Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment

  ~Think of Lokai as a cause and effect kind of company. The cause is mainly why the company exists and what it does, and the effect is the outcome of the cause, what it supports and what it signifies. Lokai carries a meaning to itself, " Sometimes you're on top, STAY HUMBLE. Sometimes you've hit a low, STAY HOPEFUL".  ~

         Marketing Environment is just as important to Lokai as it is to other companies, except it doesn't carry all the concepts. Yes, the company is aware of its customer wants and needs, and where they purchase it, but they don't always carry social factors. Similar to others, Lokai has its own website and instagram, which is considered social, but they don't do commercials and such which may improve their growth economically. Lokai products are fit for teenagers and adult, and for anyone, nationality does not matter. Anyone can own a bracelet, without feeling discouraged. Everything has it's cause and so does Lokai, it doesn't what market someone is from. The basic factors that every company consists of, Lokai consists of, and the ability to help motivate those who have made purchases, which has helped in the development of the company, makes it successful to those who are inspired.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Chapter 18: Social Media and Marketing

     The company, Lokai, isn't really a well known company. It isn't necessary known of everywhere you go, and neither do they use social media as a way to attract "customers" by doing commercials or such. There are websites, and posts that mention Lokai itself every time they launch a new bracelet.
     There are mobile marketing, social marketing, and e-mail marketing, however, if there was a marketing known as internet marketing, then Lokai would fall under that category. Most companies and brand carry their own stores, whereas Lokai has their online website,, where almost everyone gets their bracelets from, and they also have another way of marketing. Unlike most companies, Lokai has their own truck. Just like we would buy ice cream from an ice cream truck, there is a Lokai truck, that sells their bracelets, which sadly, isn't everywhere, this is why the other option for purchasing is via online.

     In regards to Social media monitioring, Lokai hasn't received any bad identification or negativity. In fact, even celebrities, athletes, and artists are wearing Lokai bracelets and supporting its' cause. This company, makes its own money, and also donate to various charities, and building relationships with their customers are through the awarenesses they sponsor or the causes they have been and are currently supporting. Owners of Lokai bracelets, do post pictures of their bracelets on social media, and that is one way others may notice.

      Lokai, has it's own website, where you can learn about the company, the founder, and it's purposes, and also make purchases. In regards to marketing, Lokai doesn't necessarily market their product the way every other company does, they do it differently. I mean, who would ever think of an ice-cream-like truck selling bracelets for good causes?!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Chapter 2: Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

Lokai possesses a few strategies regarding Competitive advantages and strategies that will help the company expand. A place distribution strategy, market penetration and development, a competitive advantage, along with product developments, all the business and its' growth. Lokai has a classic bracelet, which varies in 3 different sizes, small, medium and large, that are available at all times for consumers to purchase. The Market Development; launches limited edition bracelets, that support organizations of its' purposes. For every purchase made from the website, 10 percent of net profits are dedicated to giving back to communities, and offering to charities. Lokai has a sustainable Competitive advantage, which is that it cannot be copied by any competition, and copied in general. After developing the classic lokai, ideas of launching new ones were developed, which did and will attract those who are interested in the causes, and of course, finding their balance.


Launched to celebrate World Water Day on March 01st, 2015.
For every bracelet sold, Lokai donated $3 to charity; Water, to bring clean and safe drinking water to developing countries.
 Launched to support World's Wildlife on June 15th, 2015. For every bracelet sold, Lokai donated $1 to the World Wildlife Fund to help further their mission to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.

Launched to support the world's largest cancer organization, Susan G Komen on September 13th, 2015. For every bracelet sold, Lokai will donate $1 in order to help save lives and end breast cancer. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chapter 1: Overview of Marketing (Brief History and Mission Statement)


              24 year old, Steven Izen, graduate of Cornell University, founded Lokai in 2013.

"For Steven Izen, that moment was during his freshman year at Cornell University. His grandfather, “Papa” was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. It was the first time he felt helpless, knowing he would have to sit back and watch his Papa’s mental faculties and body slowly deteriorate."
  In honor of his grandfather, Steven created the Lokai bracelet. 

Image result for lokai dead seaImage result for lokai"The bracelet is infused with elements sourced from the highest and lowest points on earth.  The white ball, carrying water from Mt. Everest, and the black ball, holding mud from the Dead Sea, exist on opposite ends. A string of clear beads link the two, signifying that throughout life’s circular journey, your path is your own.   As Steven puts it, “life is about the journey, not the destination.”

Lokai donates 10% of their net profits to charities such as, Word Wildlife Fund, Best Buddies, Cure Alzheimers Fund, American Himalayan Foundation, and many more. For every bracelet purchase you make, you fit into the 10% donation given to these charities. Not only are buyers purchasing for their own benefits, but they are also providing for those in need worldwide. Helping in the littlest way can evolve into helping into bigger ways.